6th Sharjah Biennial

Subliime Vision

from the catalogue:

6th Sharjah International Biennial, United Arab Emirates

Peter Lewis, curator of the Biennial: " ....Liz-N-Val use unorthodox materials, processes and concepts as a 'direct' approach to making art. The deployment of mass-media, in an unmediated form entering into the art medium, and the intervention into its distribution systems, combined with the use of public space expanded the individual possibilities for a post-conceptual practice. The artists have set precedents in the expanded field of art since the conceptual art movement. Liz-N-Val are the founders of Abstractrealism: the philosophy of "something from nothing Art..."

Looking for Advanced Art? The only place in the universe for Advanced Art is here at the MuseuM of advanced Art. The art team of LIZ-N-VAL are known for their unique ways of art distribution and public art Inter-Actions.